Puerto Deseado / Port Desire

Puerto Deseado / Port Desire

HD DCP Dolby 5.1 / 90 min / Feature Documentary film / Galician & Spanish / Spain & Argentina  2022

En post producción

El experimentado capitán de un barco pesquero y su tripulación de treinta hombres resisten su noveno mes embarcados en las gélidas aguas del Atlántico sur argentino. Para el capitán esta será su última aventura, la que verdaderamente confronta su pasado de cuarenta años en el mar con su próximo futuro: la vida en tierra por fin con su familia. Pero en este último viaje su hija, la directora, se embarcará para intentar encontrar al capitán que ha sido siempre un padre ausente.

Un intenso drama de aventuras lleno de silencios que esconden verda­des y miradas que buscan respuestas.

The seasoned captain of a fishing boat along with his crew of thirty men resist their ninth month on board in the icy waters of the Argentinian South Atlantic Ocean. This will be the very last adventure for the captain, that in which he confronts his forty-year-long past at sea with his coming future: finally, life on the mainland with his family in Galicia (Spain). But, for this last voyage, his daughter, the Director, will also embark to try and find the Captain, who has always been an absent father.

An intense adventure drama full of silences covering truths and gazes in search of answers.


Directed by
Diana Toucedo

Produced by
Diana Toucedo & Insomnia Films (Arg)

Executive producers
Diana Toucedo, Gustavo Schiaffino

Alèxia Bás, Guillermo Pineles, Diana Toucedo

Diego Dussuel

Anahit Simonian

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